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Kubernetes Göteborg & CloudNativeGbg#4 - Automation in Cloud Native Environments

Cloud Native Göteborg

Aug 27, 2019, 3:40 – 6:40 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

On the August 27th we'll co-host a Meetup with our good friends in CloudNativeGbg! It will be packed with interesting discussions around the Automation in Cloud Native Environments.

For easiness, please head over to CloudNativeGbg to RSVP for the event!


17.00 - 17.40 Welcome to Xenit!
Pizza, beer & socialization is a good start! On the house off course.

17.40 - 18.00 Check in (1 min/person)
Short introduction of everyone. Who are you? What do you do? What expectations do you have on CloudNativeGbg?

18.00 - 19.00 Automation in Cloud Native Environments

18.00 - 18.30: Kustomize & YTT (Federico Hernandez)

18.30 - 18.45: Helm current, issues and future (Edvin Norling)
You will see a basic workflow of helm 2 + helmfile an extra tool that makes helm even more powerful. Talk about some of the security issues with helm and how helm 3 will mitigate some of them.

Up until recently Edvin worked with building general services in 5G for Ericsson using helm. He just joined RedHat where he will work as a openshift consultant.

18.45 - 19.15: Multi-tentant user management with Helm (Jessica Andersson)
At Meltwater we run One Cluster To Rule Them All and with 30 teams running on it we need to automate our user management. Learn how we use Helm to manage user access and RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) in our cluster.

Jessica is an Infrastructure Engineer at Meltwater, delivering Kubernetes as a Service to internal teams.

19.15 - 19.45 Check out
Quick discussion around the Meetup. Did it meet your expectations? Is there anything specific you would like to see on the upcoming agendas?

19.45 - 21.00 Over-Time (Optional)
Let´s have a couple of beers and continue the discussion around CloudNative!


Our mission is to give something to everyone in terms of knowledge, new ideas and/or a new like minded friend. That´s why we want our Meetups to be fun and interactive with at least one active project to build the agenda around for every Meetup.

Please take a minute to prepare a 1 minute presentation about yourself, what you do and what your expectations is on this Meetup and the CloudNativeGbg.

If you want to present and talk about something you work on right now, please contact an organizer so we can arrange a Meetup to boost your project.

//CloudNativeGbg & Kubernetes Göteborg



Tuesday, August 27, 2019
3:40 PM – 6:40 PM (UTC)


  • Jessica Andersson

    Leader of Platform Engineering, CNCF Ambassador

  • Peter Rosell


    Event Organizer

  • Edvin Norling


    DevOps Engineer

  • Anders Johansson

    Safespring AB

    Event Organizer

  • John Andreas Erlandsson

    Devies Cloud & Engineering


  • Ulf Alexander Lindeskär


  • Mikael Johansson Länsberg

    Etraveli Group AB

    Senior Site Reliability Engineer