Hello everyone!
Let's talk Kubernetes in local clusters in our next meetup!
18:00 Doors open, food and beverages are served
18:30 Introductions from meetup organiser
~18:40 Federico Hernandez, Meltwater - Introduction to Kind
Kind lets you run Kubernetes as docker without the need for VMs - on your laptop for testing and development or even in your CI/CD pipeline. This talk will give you an introduction on how to use Kind and how to configure it. There will be demos.
~19:15 Anders Björklund, minikube maintainer - minikube, run Kubernetes locally
This talk will give an introduction to minikube, and some history about the project and building blocks. Then we will look at some of the upcoming new features, and how you can participate and become a Kubernetes contributor.
~19:50 Staffan Olsson, Yolean - Local development with k3s
Rancher's k3s is advertised as small, but we've found it surprisingly compatible with our GKE setup. The demo will show one way to run k3s locally, and how to set up a basic dev-loop using Skaffold and an image registry running in k3s.
~20:20 More snacks and drinks and hanging out
21:00 We close the office, but feel free to join us at Tullen across the street!
We're actively looking for speakers from the community to this group!
Do you have an interesting use case for cloud native tech? Are you using Kubernetes and want to share your experience with it?
Apply for speaking at our next meetup here: https://forms.gle/Ag599PcDqGdXk4dY8
This meetup is an official CNCF meetup (https://meetups.cncf.io) and also belongs to the local
Cloud Native Nordics (https://cloudnativenordics.com) community.
Don't forget we have a Swag table!
You can bring your company's or favourite project's swag there for exchange within the group ;)
Meltwater provides the food and venue for the evening, thanks!
Let's have a fun evening and meet at Meltwater's office on Kungsportsavenyen 33 on December 4th!
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)
Leader of Platform Engineering, CNCF Ambassador
Event Organizer
DevOps Engineer
Safespring AB
Event Organizer
Devies Cloud & Engineering
Etraveli Group AB
Senior Site Reliability Engineer