## Speakers & Sponsors invitation
Please get in touch (email, slack dock8s.slack.com, message) if you could imagine yourself:
- in sharing something
- in sponsoring the location and/or beer & pizza
You can also use the invite link for our slack-channel: https://join.slack.com/t/dock8s/shared_invite/enQtNDMxMTkwNDY1ODk0LWI4MGIwMjkyZmVmNjNiNmJlNjE4YmZkYTA3ZDE4YWVhOTNhMDVmNGFkZWE2ZmM3ZjAwN2M3M2JiMTg1NzY2NjU
Thank you in advance!
## Agenda
19:00 - Talk #1: Persistence in kubernetes | Lars Kumbier, IT-Consultant
20:10 - Talk #2: Creating Kubernetes multi clusters with ClusterAPI | Tobias Schneck, Loodse GmbH
## Abstracts
### Talk 1: Persistence in kubernetes | Lars Kumbier, IT-Consultant
The question of data persistence has not been on the kubernetes agenda for a long time. Looking at the market, especially free and open-source solutions are sparse. Lars will give an overview on the available free options, discusses writing a custom storage solution via flex volumes and will give an overview on the new cross-product [Container Storage Interface (CSI)](https://github.com/container-storage-interface/spec/blob/master/spec.md) standard, which has gained beta-status in [Kubernetes 1.10](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/03/26/kubernetes-1.10-stabilizing-storage-security-networking/).
### Talk 2: Creating Kubernetes multi clusters with ClusterAPI | Tobias Schneck, Loodse GmbH
Thanks to tools like kubeadm, Terraform or Ansible setting up a Kubernetes cluster on a dedicated environment is getting reachable, but what’s about setting up a bunch of cluster in multiple clouds in automatic way? This is still a challenge. Also if you want to do same in your own datacenter. In this talk we will take a look to the approach to orchestrate and manage a whole set of k8s cluster by the Cluster API project of kubernetes (a subproject of sig-cluster-lifecycle). The main idea behind it is to use the Kubernetes API itself to manage multiple clusters with there master and worker nodes in same way you would manage your PODs - define the needed resources and the responsible controller will take care for providing it.
After an overview about the concepts of cluster API, I will show what’s needed to implement a cluster API conform machine class/deployment. There I will see that adding your own provider isn’t that hard as you may aspect. At the end of the day it just requires a simple interface to implement. The corresponding kubermatic controllers we implemented at Loodse are available as open source, so its possible to play around with it. A live demo will show how easy it is to spin up and maintain multiple Kubernetes cluster at different public and on-premise cloud providers over one managing cluster. A final wrap up will summarize the current state of the Cluster API project and the advantages of managing clusters as cattles instead of pets.
## Speakers
### Lars Kumbier, IT-Consultant
Lars is the founder of his company, [Kumbier IT Consulting](https://kumbier.it). With his employees, he helps companies with their cloud-journey among other topics and builds custom solutions, if not shoe fits for a specific problem.
### Tobias Schneck, Loodse GmbH
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)