Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

KubeVirt Summit 2023

KubeVirt Community

Mar 29, 2023, 2:00 PM – Mar 30, 2023, 7:00 PM (UTC)

Virtual event

Join us for the third online summit of KubeVirt contributors and users, March 29-30

About this event


This event is now working so we will use it for Day 2.
We will also start at 1300 with the two sessions that we missed yesterday. The schedule below has been updated to reflect this.

The KubeVirt Project is holding its third online Summit on March 29-30, here on

Join us to discuss KubeVirt development, share user experiences, learn about new features, and level up your project contributions.
Check out the preliminary agenda for both days for more details on topics covered.

This is a CNCF Community event.



March 29 – 30, 2023
2:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


Applying Parallel CI testing on Arm64, by Haolin Zhang
Squash the flakes! - how does the flake process work? What tools do we have? How do we minimize the impact? By Daniel Hiller
Scaling KubeVirt reach to legacy virtualization administrators and users by means of KubeVirt-Manager, by Marcelo Feitoza Parisi
How Killercoda works with KubeVirt, by Meha Bhalodiya & Adam Gardner
DPU Accelerated Networking for KubeVirt Pods, by Girish Moodalbail
Case Study: Upgrading KubeVirt in production, by Alay Patel
(Tutorial) Cloud Native Virtual Dev Environments, by Hippie Hacker & Jay Tihema


  • Josh Berkus


  • David Vossel

    KubeVirt Maintainer

  • Natalie Pazmiño

    Event Staff

  • Fabian Deutsch

    KubeVirt Maintainer

  • Andrew Burden


  • Kathryn Morgan


  • Lenka Bočincová

    Red Hat

    Community architect