Feb 1, 2018, 2:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)
Los Angeles Kubernauts and Cloud Native enthusiasts!
Our meetup will be January 31, 2018.
Also, if you'd like to speak at a future meetup ping us via meetup or twitter (@baldwinmathew). Agenda:
6:30 - 7:00 - Gather, Drink, Grab a Plate
We may start earlier depending on crowd size, so come early and claim your spot.
7:00 - 7:30 - Deploy like a Boss: Using Kubernetes and Apache Ignite! - Dani Traphagen
If downtime is not an option for you and your application needs to be extremely low-latency; what cocktail of open source projects can facilitate this best? Both Kubernetes and Apache Ignite are Open Source Frameworks that work exceedingly well together to achieve said goals. By working with containerization Kubernetes helps enable developers to work seamlessly with new versions of their applications, running them where they want with a flexibly scalable experience. Apache Ignite is the perfect complement to this. As a memory-centric platform Ignite allows you to access distributed data sets processing them using SQL and key-value operations, execute computations and much more. For the purposes of this webinar we will walk through the basics of a Kubernetes and Ignite deployment and how to set up a Apache Ignite cluster addressing the Kubernetes IP Finder, the Kubernetes Ignite Lookup Service, Sharing the Ignite Cluster Configuration, how to Deploy your Ignite Pods and Adjusting the Ignite Cluster Size when you need to scale. All in all, this should be an informative session which should enable you to work with both technologies for a better operational experience with your cluster.
7:30 - 8:00 - Traffic Control Strategies with Envoy Proxy - Mark McBride
As your kubernetes service footprint grows, adding traffic control capabilities beyond kube-proxy becomes critical. Envoy provides fine grained routing control, load shedding, and metrics that help you scale your environment smoothly. We'll walk through several traffic control strategies using Envoy.
Mark McBride is founder and CEO of Turbine Labs, makers of Houston, a modern traffic management plane. Prior to Turbine Labs he ran server side engineering at Nest. Before that he worked at Twitter, working on migrating their rails code base to JVM-based equivalents.
Twitter: @mccv
Dani Traphagen is a solution architect at GridGain Systems. She confesses that she's fascinated by the world of distributed databases and how this technology is shifting a decent chunk of the RBDMS paradigm. Specifically, her interests are in Big Data, Data Science, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, In Memory Data Grids, Distributed Databases, Data Modeling, Search and data processing/analytics.
Twitter: @dtrapezoid
13031 West Jefferson Boulevard
Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90094
Access Information:
Thursday, February 1, 2018
2:30 AM – 4:30 AM (UTC)
Senior Resident Architect