Mar 1, 2017, 2:00 – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Los Angeles Kubernauts and Cloud Native enthusiasts!
We are kicking off 2017 with the first CNCF Los Angeles Kubernetes meetup. Our friends at Disney have offered to inaugurate this meetup by helping us host and provide a speaker on production Kubernetes at Disney.
We're also searching for another speaker if anyone out there is interested in presenting on what they're working on.
The meetup will be at Disney's Synergy Lab on February 28, 2017 in Glendale.
Also, if you'd like to do a quick 5 - 10 minute lightning talk please ping us via meetup or twitter (@baldwinmathew or @arieljatib). We'd like to include more quick sessions to demo tricks, neat things, new apps, etc. so reach out!
6:00 - 7:00 - Social Mixer / Open House
7:00 - 7:30 - Brian Scott & Justin Garrison - Kubernetes at Disney Explained
Brian will discuss different Kubernetes use cases in Disney and how It's used for Disney Movies Anywhere. Including plans for Multi-Cloud. Justin will introduce how Kubernetes components work together to create, schedule, and run workloads on a cluster. He will demonstrate possible failures and basic component troubleshooting.
7:30 - 8:00 - Justin Dean - Ticketmaster’s Kubernetes & Cloud Native Strategy
Ticketmaster redefined an entire market by being the first to put computers in box offices and now has four decades worth of products and tools that connect fans with the live events they love. However, not all of those products and technologies are ready for containers and the public cloud which means that we are both striving to deliver new products and services on a daily basis while also working to improve our legacy tech. In this talk, we’ll share how we are using our Cloud Native transformation as a forcing function to modernize our tech stacks and raise the maturity of our products and capabilities. We will share details around our large scale migration to the public cloud leveraging technologies such as Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes and Prometheus and the impact that has on delivering software across our company.
8:00 - 9:00 - QA, Wrap-Up
Kubernetes at Disney Explained - Disney
Brian Scott joined The Walt Disney Company in June 2012 as an Sr. Systems Engineer and quickly moved to Staff Engineer, then Manager of System Engineering for several segments in Disney including Disney Interactive, Walt Disney Imagineering and Walt Disney Studios. Brian has been larger supporter of Docker within the Organization, helping Segments implement Container Technologies and runs the Docker Working Team within the Systems Engineering Org that discusses best practices across different container technologies.
Justin Garrison joined Walt Disney Animation Studios in 2014 as part of the Linux Engineering team, focusing on provisioning, automation, and new technologies. His first movie credit was on the award-winning global hit feature, "Zootopia". Garrison enjoys being involved with open source communities and has been a long time attendee and occasional speaker. In his free time, Garrison builds distributed systems and considers learning new things a lifelong endeavor.
Ticketmaster’s Kubernetes & Cloud Native Strategy
Justin Dean is Senior Vice President of Platform and Technical Operations for Ticketmaster. Previously, he was Vice President of Infrastructure at Connexity (formerly Shopzilla) and VP of Information Technology at B3 Corp.
Lightning Talks:
#1 - TBD
#2 - TBD
Disney will be hosting us at their Synergy Lab location. The address is:
Disney Synergy Lab
512 PAULA AVE, Glendale, CA
Parking is Free (Street and lot parking available. Guests are also allowed to park in spots marked, “Reserved P”)
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Senior Resident Architect