Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Running Nodeless K8s & Getting Involved in K8s Releases

Cloud Native Los Angeles

Aug 16, 2019, 1:00 – 4:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hello Los Angeles Kubernauts!

We are excited to invite you to join us at Disney this month. We are going to dig into two interesting topics.

First we’ll hear from Madhuri Yechuri from Elotl. She will discuss why nodeless is valuable in Kubernetes deployments on public clouds. She will walk us through two ways of turning a Kubernetes cluster nodeless - virtual-kubelet over {Fargate, ACI}, and kubelet over Kiyot. There will be a demo!

Then, Taylor Dolezal of Disney will share some of his experience with open-source software, especially related to the K8s release process. Taylor was involved in the v1.14 and v1.15 releases, and is working on the upcoming v1.16 release. He will discuss his role as the communications lead, coming up as a shadow, and how you can get involved.

SPONSORED: Thanks to the Disney team for hosting the group this month and to NetApp for ongoing support of this meetup group!

Are you a local member interested in presenting to the group? Submit your talk here:


6:00 - 7:00 - Doors Open / Networking Happy Hour
7:00 - 7:10 - Community Announcements
7:10 - 7:40 - Madhuri Yechuri, Elotl
7:45 - 8:15 - Taylor Dolezal, Disney
8:15 - 9:00 - Additional Q&A / Social
9:00 - Event Concludes


Madhuri Yechuri is a systems engineer with 18 years experience in database server technologies (Oracle), virtualization (VMware), and container technologies (ClusterHQ) before founding Elotl. Madhuri received her Masters in Computer Science from Indiana University Bloomington, and Bachelors in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

Taylor Dolezal is a Lead Site Reliability Engineer at the Walt Disney Studios. He is very active in the Kubernetes community and a big supporter of OSS.
Twitter: @onlydole


Please enter through the Flower Street Gate 3 and check in with Security. You will need a valid photo ID.

From the North (Traveling on I-5 South)
Exit at Alameda Avenue. Head towards Alameda Avenue East. After crossing under I-5, turn right onto San Fernando Boulevard. Turn right onto Sonora Avenue. Turn left onto Flower Street. Gate 3 entrance will be on your right.

From the South (Traveling on I-5 North)
Exit at Flower Street / Western Avenue. Turn right onto Flower Street. Gate 3 entrance will be on your left.

From the West (Traveling on CA-134 West)
Exit at San Fernando Road, getting in the middle lane, turning left, for Fairmont Avenue. Turn right onto Flower St. Gate 3 entrance will be on your right.

From the East (Traveling on CA-134 East)
Exit at Victory Boulevard/I-5 North. Turn left onto Riverside Dr. Turn a sharp right onto Sonora Avenue. Turn right onto Flower Street. Gate 3 entrance will be on your left.



Friday, August 16, 2019
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM (UTC)


  • Faisal Afzal


    Senior Resident Architect