Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Zero Trust Security w/Athenz & Using the Operator Pattern w/TiDB

Cloud Native Los Angeles

May 23, 2019, 1:30 – 3:45 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hello Los Angeles Kubernauts!

You are warmly invited to join us for the May meetup at Verizon Digital Media.

The first presentation of the evening is going focus on securing Kubernetes. Henry will present "Zero Trust Security with Athenz." In this talk, he will discuss Athenz, its integration with OpenStack, Kubernetes, AWS for RBAC, identity provisioning, and how it enables Zero Trust.

Second on the program is Kevin Xu. His talk will introduce the architecture of TiDB and TiKV (a CNCF project), key use cases, a user story with Mobike (one of the largest bikesharing platforms in the world), and a demo of deploying TiDB + TiKV as a stateful application using Kubernetes in an Operator pattern.

SPONSORED: Thank you to NetApp for ongoing support of this meetup and to Verizon for hosting this month!

Are you a local member interested in presenting to the group? Submit your talk here:


6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:10 - Community Announcements
7:10 - 7:40 - Henry Avetisyan, Verizon Media
7:45 - 8:15 - Kevin Xu, PingCAP
8:15 - 8:45 - Social / Wrap-up


Henry Avetisyan is a Senior Principal Software Engineer in the Core Platforms team at Verizon Media. He is part of a team responsible for providing security solutions to Verizon Media properties such as service authentication, role based access control, and centralized key management system. He has a Master's degree in Computer Science from California State University, Northridge.
Twitter: @ydn (Yahoo Developer Network)

Kevin Xu is the General Manager of Global Strategy and Operations at PingCAP, the team that's leading the development of TiDB, a cloud-native MySQL-compatible distributed database. Its key-value storage layer, TiKV, is a CNCF project.
Twitter: @kevinsxu


Verizon has kindly offered to host the group this month.

After turning off of Jefferson onto Alla Road, there is free street parking at the first right Coral Tree Place. From there you can enter the Reserve business park at the Gate 1 main entry which is the gate near the end of the road, or via a pedestrian entrance near gate 2.

Space 900 is the large building that is closest to the Gate 1 main entrance.



Thursday, May 23, 2019
1:30 AM – 3:45 AM (UTC)


  • Faisal Afzal


    Senior Resident Architect