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#BeeropsChilli Xmas 17 extravaganza! @MeetupMadness

Cloud Native Melbourne

Dec 7, 2017, 7:00 – 10:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Do NOT RSVP here on the Meetup page.... 

...get your free Eventbrite tickets from our website

Check out our video from the last event :)

The bi-annual networking event of the year is back;

               @MeetupMadness presents - #BeeropsChilli !

.....the same outstanding gig as July, but with 100% more added Xmas spice!

Hi all,

Many of you attended our last Beerops event in July...over 250 of you to be precise! Due to the spectacular success of the event, we're hosting another chilli themed Xmas event :)

Thurs Dec 7th Royal Melbourne Hotel

The best opportunity to catch up with their peers, network with some smart people, and enjoy some great food of our kind sponsors.

As always, #BeeropsChilli is a not-for-profit event! Whatever's left, we give to charitable causes.

We recommend that you...


• Follow @MeetupMadness & this group on Twitter.

* Get your free event tickets from the Meetup Madness website 

If last year is any guide...these tickets will be snapped up super-fast!

Good luck! 

Stephen, Vincent, and Ben from @MeetupMadness

If anyone is interested in sponsoring this event please call Gerhard on [masked]

or email him on [masked] 



Thursday, December 7, 2017
7:00 AM – 10:00 AM (UTC)


  • Thiago Sinji Shimada Ramos

    BizDevOps - Solutions Engineer

  • Yongkang He


    Advisor, AWS Builder, Azure MVP, GCP Champion