Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Kubernetes/ServiceMesh + Dinosaurs w/ Marc Hildenbrand

Cloud Native Melbourne

May 19, 2020, 8:00 – 9:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

***DON'T REG ON THIS PAGE! All registrations via the link below***

Hi Everyone,
We are back with another Meetup via live streaming! Please register via the link below.

1. Each session will have a 200 registration limit so please update your RSVPs early through the link below.
2. This is a combined state Meetup scheduled on 19 May (Tues)
3. **Viewing** - Best viewed from your desktop with Chrome or Firefox

*****REGISTER via this link*****

Talk 1 (6:00 pm - 6:45 pm)
TOPIC: "Demystifying Service Mesh (or how to be popular at nerdy cocktail parties or with Paleontologists)"

In this talk we explain Service Mesh in plain terms and contextualize it in the circumstance that led to its rise and the problems that it was created to solve. We'll also investigate how open source projects like Istio, Kiali, Jaeger, and Prometheus merge to provide this functionality

SPEAKER: Marc Hildenbrand - Developer Advocate, RedHat
A lifelong software engineer, he has over 20 years of experience in software development. During his varied career he has been involved in the development of various exciting projects from large scale video games (such as Lord of the Rings Online) to 7-Eleven’s Fuel App, and the middleware that supports Public Transport Victoria’s mobile app which is used by thousands of commuters per day.

Prior to joining Red Hat, Marc was the global CTO of the award-winning digital consulting firm Tigerspike and was instrumental in making them one of AWS's hottest "APN Advanced Consulting" partners. He has a broad perspective on the development lifecycle and on what works (and does not work) when it comes to software projects.

Talk 2 - TBC

Big shout out to our awesome sponsor, #REDHAT & our community partner, #ZOHO!!! Thank you!

***DON'T REG ON THIS PAGE! All registrations via the link below***

See you!
Stephen & Prateek



Tuesday, May 19, 2020
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (UTC)


  • Thiago Sinji Shimada Ramos

    BizDevOps - Solutions Engineer

  • Yongkang He

    Advisor, AWS Builder, Azure MVP, GCP Champion