Before the big KubeCon event kicks off, CNCG New Delhi is hosting InitKubeCon: ConnectingPeopleto get you all set for the big KubeCon showdown. We’ll kick things off with insights from previous KubeCons, the latest CNCF updates, and a series of lightning talks that are more about real stories and experiments than buzzwords. We promise that there will be fewer slights but more fun!
We’ll also have a panel of CNCF Ambassadors who’ve been there at previous KubeCons- sharing their tips on how to make the most of your KubeCon experience. And, there’s a special featured session you won’t want to miss!
Call for Proposals:
If you would like to present a lightning talk, please fill out the CFP form.
Submission Deadline: 11:59 PM IST on December 4, 2024
Acceptance Notifications: 11:59 PM IST on December 6, 2024
In this engaging breakout session, attendees will be split into groups and assigned to different rooms. Each group will tackle a series of exciting tasks designed to test creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Compete with your peers to complete the challenges with flair. The group that demonstrates the most innovative and effective solutions will be crowned the winners! Get ready to think outside the box and showcase your teamwork prowess. May the best team win! 🌟
3:30 AM
Start of the event, attendee registration and morning munch time.
4:30 AM
CNCF Updates by Satyam Soni
New updates about the CNCF
4:50 AM
Cloud Native Demystified: Origins, Ecosystem, and Getting Started by Mumshad Mannambeth
This session explores the journey of Cloud Native, from the foundations of Linux and the Linux Foundation to the emergence of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and key technologies like containers and Kubernetes. The discussion covers why Cloud Native matters, the problems it solves, and when it may not be the right fit. The session also highlights the broader Cloud Native ecosystem, its tools, trends, and future potential, along with guidance on getting started with prerequisites like Linux, 12-Factor App principles, DevOps practices, and key development concepts. Whether new or experienced, the session offers valuable insights for all.
5:20 AM
Interactive session with an expert speaker. A platform to engage, learn, and share insights in a community meetup.
5:55 AM
Kubernetes 101 by Abhinav Dubey
Basics of Kuberentes
6:00 AM
10 Years of Kuberenetes Now what? by Bart Farrell
Future of Kuberentes!
6:25 AM
Kuberentes security in flash 5 Quick tips for safer cluster by Sourabh Bera
10 minute lighthnig talk on safer kuberentes cluster.
6:35 AM
Auto Scaling in Kuberentes by Rajat Khanna
A llightning talk on how to scale using kuberentes!
6:50 AM
The How and the Why of opensource? by Prateek Singh Rathore
Get deeper insights on Opensource contributions and maintaing an opensource projects.
7:05 AM
Panel Disucssion: Maximizing
In this panel of CNCF Ambassadors, we’ll highlight how to enhance your KubeCon experience. Discover how to navigate the agenda, network effectively, and uncover hidden gems throughout the event. Whether you're a first-time attendee or a seasoned pro, this discussion will empower you to make the most of every moment at KubeCon. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the experts!