Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Multi-Cloud K8s and Advanced Deployment Patterns

New York Kubernetes Meetup

Apr 25, 2019, 10:30 PM – Apr 26, 2019, 12:45 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hello NYC Kubernauts!

Thanks for joining over in Brooklyn last month. In April, we return to Manhattan and visit the Snap Inc offices.

Leo and Sumbul of Snap will present "Running Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Stack at Snap." In this talk they will discuss Snap's experience running the location backend stack using Kubernetes on GCP/GKE and AWS/EKS. The focus will be on some challenges they have encountered and tools they have created to help with building and deploying containers.

Then, we welcome back Andrew Phillips; he will demonstrate some strategies for managing user traffic on Kubernetes for more advanced app deployment patterns. [blue/green, exponential rollouts, and canary] He'll describe how these can be implemented with and without Istio, and orchestrated using tools such as Spinnaker or Jenkins. The aim is to provide an explanation of how these rollout strategies work, how to implement them, and what kinds of tooling support is available.

Space is really limited at this event, so RSVP today!

SPONSORED: Thanks to NetApp for ongoing support and Snap for hosting the group this month!

Are you a local member interested in presenting to the group? Submit your talk here:

6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:10 - Community Announcements
7:10 - 7:40 - Leonid Gorkin & Sumbul Alvi, Snap Inc.
7:45 - 8:15 - Andrew Phillips
8:15 - 8:45 - Social / Wrap-up


Leonid Gorkin is the software engineering manager at Snap Inc with decades of experience working for technology and finance companies. During his tenure at Snap, Leonid was working on location sharing backend for Snap Map, which includes Actionmoji backend (user avatars changing appearances depending on user location and behavior) and other exiting features.

Sumbul Alvi is a backend engineer at Snapchat NYC, working with microservices in Golang. In the past, she has ventured into the world of Mobile (Android and iOS) and DevOps. Her latest project includes finding the balance between weird and cool in the world of user submitted content ranking on Snapchat's SnapMap.

Andrew Phillips is a frequent contributor to the Continuous Delivery and Devops space. He's been a software engineer, team lead, infrastructure builder (a.k.a. head of duct tape) and community evangelist and now works on product management and strategy. Andrew contributes to a number of open-source projects, is a regular speaker and author and co-organizer of ContainerDays Boston and NYC.



April 25 – 26, 2019
10:30 PM – 12:45 AM (UTC)


  • Ariel Jatib


  • Karen Chu

    CNCF Ambassador

  • Scott Rigby


    Cloud Native Ambassador

  • Tony Marfil


    Solutions Architect at F5 / NGINX