Fireside chat - Kubecon EU Paris Recap by CNCF Ambassadors and End Users
Panel from falks attended Kubecon
Using LLMs to deploy K8s apps and Helm Charts by Chris Gruel
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing and DevOps, the integration of cutting-edge AI technologies like LLMs with Kubernetes deployments represents a significant leap forward. Our presentation will showcase the power of ChatGPT and other LLMs to interpret user commands, make intelligent decisions, and execute complex deployment routines within a Kubernetes environment. We’ll walk you through the development journey, highlighting the challenges of merging AI with Kubernetes operations, the architecture of our LangChain agentic installer, and the insights gained from designing an AI that can navigate the intricacies of cloud environments.
Continuous app profiling with Grafana Pyroscope by Steve Caron
Continuous app profiling is cool
Remediate Kubernetes Security Threats in Real-Time with Falco Talon by Marat Salakhutdinov
According to Sysdig’s 5/5/5 Benchmark it takes only 10 minutes to execute an attack in the cloud after discovering an exploitable target. During this talk we will demonstrate remediation of security threat in Real-Time by using CNCF’s Falco and its new response engine Falco Talon.