RSVP ON MEETUP for this event:
For our next meeting, we are going to mix it up and host a workshop day with our open source friends at Sysdig. Falco is an open source runtime security project. They are touring across the US and will be in our backyard on August 15th!
Here are details on the workshop including agenda and logistics:
5-5:30 PM Arrive and mingle
5:30-7 PM Welcome and hands-on runtime security workshop with Falco
7-8:30 PM Food, beverages & board games
Great Notion in NW Portland: 2444 NW 28th Ave, Portland, OR 97210
Make sure to bring your WiFi enabled laptop!
Per our standard format, board games and dinner following the event.
Hope to see you all there and looking forward to this hands-on workshop!
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
12:00 AM – 4:00 AM (UTC)