Apr 17, 2024, 3:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)
To connect, open this Bevy link: https://community.cncf.io/j/4n3afp3vptzwx/
Speaker: Diego Ciangottini
interLink is an open source abstraction built on top of Virtual-Kubelet. Developed by INFN in the context of interTwin, an EU funded project that aims to build a digital-twin platform for sciences, and the ICSC National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing in Italy. In this session we will talk about the first case studies where interLink is enabling the offloading of "any" pod on a remote SLURM queue at a EuroHPC center.
interLink home page: https://intertwin-eu.github.io/interLink/
Link to the CNCF AI day presentation here: https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/colocatedeventseu2024/8b/Kubecon-AI-day-24.pdf