Welcome Kubernauts!
We are excited to host the 4th edition of our Cloud Native Meetup Saar!
This is a recurring event for everyone interested in Kubernetes, Cloud Native Platforms, Tools and Applications. Topics we discuss include everything from (Open Source) technologies such as Kubernetes and Containers, distributed computing and monitoring, security as well as organizational best-practices in a cloud-native world.
Doesn´t matter if you are a newbie or an expert - any skill level is welcome! We want to create an open, welcoming environment for other Kubernauts interested in sharing, learning from others' experience and becoming part of this awesome community!
The event is hosted by p3r. and anynines and will be held in English.
Join our event and voice your opinion, give a talk on a cloud native topic or raise a discussion! Also, we always welcome content, demos and sponsors of our meetup! If you are interested in getting in touch or submitting a talk, click here: https://www.p3r.one/cloud-native-meetup-saar/
Also, feel free to join our slack: https://join.slack.com/t/wearep3r/shared_invite/zt-d9ao21f9-pb70o46~82P~gxDTNy_JWw
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM UTC
Tech decisions to the people! - Konstantin Diener |
Open Source ETL - Developing a tap and target for Singer.io - Cheuk Ho |