Mar 15, 2019, 1:30 – 3:45 AM (UTC)
Hello SF Kubernauts!
The Kubernetes project does four time-based releases a year, and has not
been more than 10 days late in delivering any release. This requires a
large team of many contributors, of which former Release Lead Josh
Berkus is one. And you could be too!
The SIG-Release Team in Kubernetes is focused on creating deliverable
increments of value to the end-user community, as well as improving the
process over time. This session will go through the release process,
explain the various roles, risks, and responsibilities. It will also
provide an onramp for anyone interested in volunteering for a release
team position in the future.
Second on the program, Marc will present "Day 2 Operations of Kubernetes Applications." There’s no question that Helm gives us a great Day 1 experience when installing a new application, but how can we manage 10s or even 100s of applications using Helm, and manage the variations required for different environments? Ship was built with Day 2 operations in mind. This talk will discuss how to operationalize Helm Charts (and more), in a GitOps and operations-friendly way.
SPONSORED: Thanks to Replicated and NetApp for organizing this event.
Are you a local group member interested in presenting to the group? If so, please submit your talk at:
6:15 - 6:50 - Social and Food/Refreshments
6:50 - 7:00 - Community Announcements
7:00 - 7:30 - Josh Berkus, Red Hat OSAS
7:30 - 8:00 - Marc Campbell, Replicated
8:00 - 8:30 - Social / Wrap-up
Josh is at ->
Twitter: @fuzzychef
Marc Campbell is the Founder/CTO of Replicated, a platform for cloud-native applications to distribute a “modern on-prem” version of their application to enterprises.
Twitter: @mccode
The meetup will be held at Heavybit. Please enter through the side door, not the main entrance. Please do not plan to arrive before 6 PM PST as we won't have access to the meeting space until then.
Friday, March 15, 2019
1:30 AM – 3:45 AM (UTC)