Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Fast and Scalable K8s Development in the Afternoon

Cloud Native San Francisco

Aug 7, 2019, 9:00 – 11:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Hello San Francisco Kubernauts!

We hope you can arrange your schedule to join us for the first ever afternoon SFK8s meetup. Please reach out and invite any of your friends or colleagues that may have persistent schedule conflicts with evening meetups. This will be a great opportunity for us to network with fellow K8s enthusiasts a little earlier in the day.

We have two exciting presentations to kick-off the second half of the week.

First on the program we'll hear from Priya Wadhwa. She'll present "Develop Faster on Kubernetes With Skaffold and Minikube with Cloud Code"

In this demo session, Priya will show us how to leverage local development tools like Skaffold and Google Cloud Build to develop at 10x velocity. She will cover how Skaffold intelligently rebuilds and redeploys your application on every code change, all from the comfort of your favorite IDE.

For the second presentation, we welcome Alex Collins and Danny Thomson from Intuit. They will team up to present: "GitOps at Scale with Argo CD"

Argo CD is a GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It continuously monitors applications running in Kubernetes clusters and compares the current, live state against the desired target state (as specified in the git repo). In this talk, they’ll cover the core features, show us how to declare and deploy an app using Helm, Kustomize, or Jsonnet. They'll wrap up by discussing how Intuit is using Argo CD to manage hundreds of apps in multiple clusters.

SPONSORED: A big thank you to Google for hosting this meetup, along with NetApp for continued support of the group.

Are you a local member interested in presenting to the group? Please submit your info at:


2:00 - 2:30 - Social/Refreshments
2:30 - 2:35 - Community Announcements
2:35 - 3:05 - Priya Wadhwa, Google
3:05 - 3:35 - Alex Collins & Danny Thomson, Intuit
3:35 - 4:30 - Social / Wrap-up


Priya Wadhwa is a software engineer at Google working on local development tools for Kubernetes including Skaffold, Kaniko, and Minikube.

Github: priyawadhwa
Twitter: priyawadhwa16

Alex Collins and Danny Thomson
Alex and Danny are software engineers working on Intuit’s Modern SaaS platform on Kubernetes and contributing to the open source Argoproj project.
GitHub: alexec and dthomson25


This event will be held at Google's 1 Market Street building on the 7th floor. Please enter from 55 Spear Street and come to reception on the 7th floor. Check in there and you'll be directed to the meeting room.



Wednesday, August 7, 2019
9:00 PM – 11:30 PM (UTC)


  • Jason Smith


    Application Modernization Specialist

  • Reyann Lejano

    Red Hat

    Solutions Architect