Jan 19, 2018, 2:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)
Kubernauts! We are excited to announce the next San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be January 18, 2018 at Sauce Labs (https://saucelabs.com/) in San Francisco.
We'll be diving into Docker's Kubernetes work and runtime security with Sysdig.
Also, if you'd like to present please ping me via meetup or twitter (@baldwinmathew (https://twitter.com/baldwinmathew)).
SPONSORED: Spin up and manage a Kubernetes cluster with Istio at AWS, GCE, GKE, DigitalOcean or Azure today!
6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:30 - Kubernetes in the Docker Platform - Alex Mavrogiannis
Docker recently announced the integration of Kubernetes as a supported orchestrator of the Docker Platform. In this talk, we look at demos of how Kubernetes is integrated in Docker EE and discuss details of both the CE and EE architectures. We then explore technical topics relevant to Kubernetes in Docker EE such as authentication, authorization and resource contention across orchestrators.
7:30 - 8:00 - Hacked! Run time security for Kubernetes - Davide Schiera
Containers have the potential to improve your security posture in production, but the black -box nature of containers and the complexity of distributed microservices present new challenges that InfoSec and DevSecOps teams may not be ready for yet.
Common approaches like scanning and container signatures will get you part of the way, but what happens when your production environment is hit by a zero day threat or unknown event? Do you have the capabilities to detect and protect against that incident?
In this session we will cover how to use Sysdig Secure to implement run-time security monitoring, policy enforcement, and forensics using activity signals based on system calls. We’ll cover topics such as: How do I see activity originating within containers? What does it take to apply policies consistently across all containers that make up a micro service? How can I get a service-oriented view of container activity based on Kubernetes metadata, for the purposes of auditing or forensics? What can I leverage in open source to make this happen? You’ll walk away from this talk understanding what types of events to look for, how to alert on them, and what you need to do deep forensics in the event of an incident.
8:00 - Social, Wrap-up, Jet
Davide Schiera is a technical director and UI founding engineer at Sysdig, focused on the user interface and experience of Sysdig products, from Sysdig Monitor to Sysdig Secure and now Sysdig Inspect. He moved to California to work at CACE
Technologies, the company behind Wireshark. Prior to Sysdig he worked at Riverbed as an engineering manager on the network troubleshooting product UI. He holds a MS in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
Twitter: @DavideSchiera (https://twitter.com/DavideSchiera)
Alex Mavrogiannis is a Software Engineer in Docker's Orchestration Team, currently working on the integration of Kubernetes in Docker Enterprise Edition. Prior to Docker, Alex was an intern at Google working on Kubernetes monitoring. As a student, Alex conducted graduate research in SOA and cloud computing in Carnegie Mellon University and is a proud ECE undergraduate of the National Technical University of Athens.
Our friends at Sauce Labs have offered to provide space for this upcoming event.
The address is:
Sauce Labs (https://maps.google.com/maps?q=539%20Bryant%20Street%2C%20San%20Francisco%2C%20CA)
539 Bryant Street
Suite 303
San Francisco
Friday, January 19, 2018
2:30 AM – 4:30 AM (UTC)