Kubernauts! We are excited to announce the next San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be March 23, 2016 at Engine Yard/Deis in San Francisco.
We are going to have three great speakers from the Project Calico team and Sysdig.
6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:45 - Casey Davenport - Securing Micro-services in Kubernetes with Project Calico
7:45 - 8:30 - Gianluca Borello - Monitoring Microservices: Docker, Mesos and Kubernetes Visibility at Scale
8:30 - 9:00 - Social / Wrap-up
Casey will discuss the opportunity that micro-service based applications presents in terms of security, and how the latest experimental API in Kubernetes allows you to define powerful security policies. He’ll then do a demo of security policy in Kubernetes using Project Calico networking.
Casey is a Core Developer on Project Calico, with a focus on Kubernetes. He has been working on software defined networking solutions since 2012.
Twitter: @csdvnprt
GitHub: caseydavenport
Monitoring Microservices: Docker, Mesos and Kubernetes Visibility at Scale
Everyone knows how microservices and containers are revolutionizing the way we deploy applications and maintain our infrastructure. But as many teams are starting to find out, containers still have a key problem: monitoring and troubleshooting them can be impractical, painful, and sometimes plain impossible. And with the rise of microservice based architectures and container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes and Mesos, managing an already difficult task has become even hairier.
In this demo-driven presentation, Gianluca will cover the current state of the art of container and microservice monitoring, including the pros and cons of some popular approaches. Using real tools running in live environments, he will demonstrate how to effectively monitor, explore and troubleshoot highly scaled Docker, Kubernetes and Mesos deployments.
Specific topics will include:
• visualizing the physical vs logical architecture of Kubernetes/Mesos deployments
• understanding performance at the holistic microservice/application level for orchestrated systems
• identifying and surfacing system activity of individual Docker containers
• extracting process and application-level performance metrics from inside containers using non-intrusive methods
• troubleshooting detailed network activity among distributed containers
The presentation will feature live interaction with container environments and live demos of all tools and techniques discussed. Special emphasis will be put on sysdig, an open source container and system troubleshooting tool where the presenter is a core contributor.
Gianluca is an engineering manager at Sysdig, where he wears many hats. He's a core developer of sysdig, an open source troubleshooting tool for Linux and containers, and spends his days dealing with backend development, performance analysis and cloud infrastructure management.Prior to Sysdig, he was an engineer at Riverbed and CACE Technologies, the company behind Wireshark. He's passionate about Linux, open source technologies and distributed systems at scale. He holds a MS in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Gianluca has presented sysdig to the DevOps audience at many events including Docker meetups, DevOps Summit, KubenCon 2015, Lisa 2015, Sharkfest 2014 and the Facebook Engineering Tech Talk.
GitHub: https://github.com/draios/sysdig
Our friends at Engine Yard/Deis have offered to provide space for this upcoming event. The address is:
Engine Yard/Deis
1035 Market Street, Suite 550
San Francisco, CA 94103
Signs will be posted in the lobby directing people to the event, which will be held upstairs.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
1:30 AM – 4:00 AM UTC