Kubernetes - Serverless and GitOps

Cloud Native San Francisco

Sep 28, 2017, 1:30 – 3:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event


We are excited to announce the next San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be September 27, 2017 at Bitnami in San Francisco. 

This meetup will cover the topics of serverless on kubernetes and managing kubernetes via GitOps. We're going to have a good time as always. Come on out and join us. Seating is limited. 


6:30 - 7:00 - Social Mixer

7:00 - 7:30 - Daniel Lopez - Building Serverless Application Pipelines

The serverless paradigm is bringing a new type of applications to the forefront of application architecture. Distributed, containerized, scalable, event-driven and ephemeral with fine grained billing. In this talk we will go through several application use-cases that are driving the serverless movement (e.g data processing, IoT, mobile-backends,machine learning) and demonstrate how these applications can be developed and deployed on top of Kubernetes using an open source serverless solution called kubeless. Through live demos and examples, we will show that Kubernetes with its rich and stable core API is the perfect platform to build FaaS solutions. 

7:30 - 8:00 - Ilya Dmitrichenko - GitOps: operations by pull-request

In this talk, Ilya will describe how Weaveworks team manages apps in production on Kubernetes. The team had been doing this for 2 years now, and have built a number of open-source tools that you may find useful if you were to do the same. The tools we use are also available to you as a service in Weave Cloud. Ilya will demonstrate how you can use Weave Cloud to manage your apps the GitOps way (that's operations by pull-request).

8:00 - 8:20 - Lightning Talks

8:30 - Wrap-Up 

Lightning Talks: 

#1 - Turn-Key Kubeless - Matt Baldwin
#2 - HA Kubernetes outside the cloud - Mark Maglana


Daniel Lopez is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Bitnami. Previously, he was CTO of BitRock and part of the original engineering teams at Covalent technologies (acquired by VMWare) and Devicescape.

Ilya is a Developer Experience Engineer at Weaveworks, focused on making the adoption of microservices easier. Prior to Weaveworks, Ilya worked at Xively, where he personally experienced the shift to a true DevOps culture. He began to shift focus down the stack, becoming one of the early evangelists of and contributors to open source projects in the emerging Docker/container ecosystem.


Our friends at Bitnami have offered to provide space for this upcoming event. The address is:

650 Mission Street

Floor 2

San Francisco, CA 



Thursday, September 28, 2017
1:30 AM – 3:30 AM (UTC)


  • Jason Smith


    Application Modernization Specialist

  • Reyann Lejano

    Red Hat

    Solutions Architect