Dec 7, 2018, 2:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)
We are excited to announce the next San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be Dec. 6, 2018 at Sauce Labs in San Francisco.
If you want to host or speak at the K8s community meetups, please reach out to me via email ([masked]) or Twitter (@baldwinmathew).
6:30 - 7:00 - Social - Pizza and beverages
7:00 - 7:30 - Linkerd 2.0: Rebuilding the Cloud Native Service Mesh - Oliver Gould
Linkerd 2.0 brings dramatic improvements to performance, resource consumption, and ease of use to Linkerd. With a radically new lightweight footprint and support for incremental adoption, Linkerd is designed to give you the critical tools you need to be successful when operating a cloud native application.
In this talk, we describe the lessons learned from 3+ years of service mesh operation and how those lessons shaped the redesign of Linkerd 2.0. We’ll show a live demo and you can expect to learn how to:
* Safely install Linkerd on a Kubernetes cluster in seconds.
* Diagnose and identify instability and latency in your Kubernetes services.
* Access granular level metrics on how each service is behaving.
* And much more!
7:30 - 8:00 - AppSwitch: Proxyless Service Mesh - Dinesh Subhraveti
We are going through an interesting cycle of application decomposition
and recomposition. While the microservice paradigm is driving
monolithic applications to be broken into separate individual
services, the service mesh approach is helping them to be connected
back together into well-structured applications. While the underlying
technology that enables microservices is containers, service mesh is
enabled by the sidecar proxy approach.
This talk presents AppSwitch, an extremely fast and simple service
mesh framework that offers traffic management and other service mesh
functions without a proxy. AppSwitch provides a fundamentally new
networking mechanism for containers based on transparent interposition
of the BSD socket API. In addition to providing connectivity for
containers, the same mechanism also performs service mesh functions
with several new advantages:
* It can perform traffic management without actually touching data
traffic and hence extremely fast
* It does not require root privilege for its operation
* It elegantly addresses issues such as service startup order and
supports otherwise uncooperative legacy applications
8:00 - 8:30 Social, Wrap-up, Jet
Oliver Gould is a core maintainer of Linkerd, and is the co-founder and CTO of Buoyant, where he leads open source development efforts. Prior to Buoyant, he was a staff infrastructure engineer at Twitter, where he was the tech lead of Observability, Traffic, and Configuration & Coordination teams.
Dinesh Subhraveti is a scientist, repeat entrepreneur and an inventor of OS-level virtualization / containers, currently serving as the CTO and founder at AppOrbit. He developed the core principles that underlie the container abstraction as a part of his Ph.D. Published in 2002, his work showed for the very first time that enterprise applications could be live-migrated using that abstraction. Based on his original implementation, he drove the development of the industry’s first container live-migration product at Meiosys, the company behind LXC that IBM acquired in 2005. Dinesh authored numerous research papers in the areas of operating systems, virtualization and storage. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Columbia University.
Sauce Labs
116 New Montgomery St.
3rd Floor
San Francisco CA 94105
Friday, December 7, 2018
2:30 AM – 4:30 AM (UTC)