Jun 15, 2018, 1:30 – 3:30 AM
We are excited to announce the next San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be June 14, 2018 at Microsoft's Reactor in San Francisco.
If you want to host or speak at the K8s community meetups, please reach out to me via email ([masked]) or Twitter (@baldwinmathew).
6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:30 - Agones: Scaling Multiplayer Game Servers with Open Source - Mark Mandel, Google
Awesome! You’ve built the next big FPS or MMO multiplayer game! You have a game client and a dedicated game server binary ready for players to connect to, but now you’ve got to write code to spin up game server processes, fire up machines to run them, autoscale them, and so much more!
Thankfully, there are multiple open source projects that are available to do much of this work for you, and get your multiplayer game up and running at global scale as fast as possible.
In this talk we’ll discuss and demo the open source project Agones, currently being developed by Google Cloud Platform in conjunction with Ubisoft. Built on top of the open source, software container orchestration system Kubernetes, it provides a batteries-included solution for running dedicated game servers at scale anywhere - be-it in the cloud, on your own hardware, or across all of the above.
7:30 - 8:00 - Debugging Cloud-Native Applications with the Conduit Service Mesh - Franziska von der Goltz, Buoyant
In this talk, we dive into how a service mesh can be used for debugging microservices. A service mesh is an increasingly popular way to add reliability, security, and visibility to a cloud-native application. While service meshes provide a wealth of features, including service discovery, load balancing, retries, and timeouts, one primary benefit they bring is in instrumentation and telemetry about the application. We demonstrate how this data can be used to address critical debugging problems that are unique to microservices, by giving you a view into service behavior across the entire infrastructure without needing to change application code.
8:00 - 8:30 Social, Wrap-up, Jet
Mark Mandel is a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud Platform, founder of the open source, multiplayer dedicated game server scaling project Agones and one half of the Google Cloud Platform Podcast. Hailing from Australia, Mark built his career developing backend systems and writing open source software.
Twitter: @Neurotic
Franziska von der Goltz is a software engineer working on open-source service mesh technology at Buoyant. Prior to Buoyant, she was a part of the education team at the Hackbright Academy in San Francisco, an engineering school for women with a mission to change the ratio in the tech industry. She loves traveling and enjoys tea.
Twitter: @franziskagoltz
Microsoft Reactor
680 Folsom
Ground Floor
San Francisco, CA
Friday, June 15, 2018
1:30 AM – 3:30 AM UTC