Kubernauts! We are excited to announce the first San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be January 12, 2015 at Engine Yard/Deis in San Francisco.
We are going to have two great speakers from ClusterHQ and Deis. Agenda:
6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:45 - Jason Hansen - Deis: Building a PaaS on Kubernetes
7:45 - 8:30 - Stephen Nguyen - Persistent Storage with Kubernetes & Flocker
8:30 - 9:00 - Social / Wrap-up
Jason Hansen, Chief Architect, will speak about how Deis is building a PaaS layer on top of Kubernetes. Including approaches to source to image, edge routing, log aggregation and orchestrating multiple Kubernetes resources to provide a heroku-inspired workflow.
Twitter: @slackx
Stephen Nguyen is a developer evangelist for ClusterHQ, the makers of docker data management tool, Flocker. He was previously at Iron.io. Stephen programs in Ruby, Node, and dabbles in Go. He is no stranger to developer communities as a organizer in several developer meetup communities in San Francisco.
Twitter: @stephenitis
Our friends at Engine Yard/Deis have offered to provide space for this upcoming event. The address is: Engine Yard/Deis
1035 Market Street, Suite 550
San Francisco, CA 94103
Signs will be posted in the lobby directing people to the event, which will be held upstairs.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
2:30 AM – 5:00 AM UTC