Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Self-Hosted Kubernetes & a User Story

Cloud Native San Francisco

Aug 4, 2016, 1:30 – 4:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Kubernauts! We are excited to announce the next San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be August 3, 2016 at Entelo in San Francisco. 

Also, if you'd like to do a quick 5 - 10 minute lightning talk please ping me via meetup or twitter (@baldwinmathew). We'd like to include more quick sessions to demo tricks, neat things, new apps, etc. 


6:30 - 7:00 - Social

7:00 - 7:30 - Aaron Levy will be giving us an update on and show us Self-Hosted Kubernetes. This will be a nice demo driven look at this part of the project.

7:30 - 8:00 - Tom Benner will show us some great open source tools he's built to help scale worker management on Kubernetes at Entelo.

8:30 - Open Lightning Talks

8:30 - 9:00 - Social / Wrap-up


Aaron is a software engineer working on all things Kubernetes at CoreOS. 

GitHuB: @aaronlevy

Tom is a lead engineer at Entelo, a creator of several open-source packages, and a minor contributor to Kubernetes. He led Entelo's adoption of Kubernetes, which helped them scale their data pipeline.

Github: @tombenner


Our friends at Entelo have offered to provide space for this upcoming event. The address is:


123 Mission St. 

Suite 2400

San Francisco, CA



Thursday, August 4, 2016
1:30 AM – 4:00 AM (UTC)


  • Jason Smith


    Application Modernization Specialist

  • Reyann Lejano

    Red Hat

    Solutions Architect