Kubernauts! We are excited to announce the next San Francisco Kubernetes meetup will be August 3, 2016 at Entelo in San Francisco.
Also, if you'd like to do a quick 5 - 10 minute lightning talk please ping me via meetup or twitter (@baldwinmathew). We'd like to include more quick sessions to demo tricks, neat things, new apps, etc.
6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:30 - Aaron Levy will be giving us an update on and show us Self-Hosted Kubernetes. This will be a nice demo driven look at this part of the project.
7:30 - 8:00 - Tom Benner will show us some great open source tools he's built to help scale worker management on Kubernetes at Entelo.
8:30 - Open Lightning Talks
8:30 - 9:00 - Social / Wrap-up
Aaron is a software engineer working on all things Kubernetes at CoreOS.
GitHuB: @aaronlevy
Tom is a lead engineer at Entelo, a creator of several open-source packages, and a minor contributor to Kubernetes. He led Entelo's adoption of Kubernetes, which helped them scale their data pipeline.
Github: @tombenner
Our friends at Entelo have offered to provide space for this upcoming event. The address is:
123 Mission St.
Suite 2400
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, August 4, 2016
1:30 AM – 4:00 AM UTC