Nov 21, 2013, 2:30 – 5:30 AM (UTC)
Nati Shalom, CTO Gigaspaces, joins us from the Israel OpenStack user group to speak on "Deployment and Management of Your Application on OpenStack using an All-Encompassing DSL based on TOSCA."
OpenStack Heat is gaining momentum as a DevOps tool to orchestrate the creation of OpenStack cloud environments. Heat is based on a DSL describing simple orchestration of cloud objects, but lacks better representation of the middleware and the application components as well as more complex deployment and post-deployment orchestration workflows. The Heat community has started discussing a higher level DSL that will support not just infrastructure components.
This session will present a further extended suggestion for a DSL based on the TOSCA specification, which covers broader aspects of an application behavior and deployment such as the installation, configuration management, continuous deployment, auto-healing and scaling. Nati will also share some thoughts on how this DSL can interface with native OpenStack projects, such as Heat, Keystone and Ceilometer.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
2:30 AM – 5:30 AM (UTC)