Bay Area OpenStack Meet & Drink
Hosted by Mirantis & Cloudscaling
Topic: Bootstrapping OpenStack to Corporate IT
Join other OpenStack users, backers, and hackers for the bay area quarterly meet & drink. During this session we’ll talk about bootstrapping OpenStack to the requirements of a typical, corporate IT department. It may be straightforward to start using OpenStack out of the box; fitting OpenStack to corporate IT with its many compliance and security standards can, however, present some challenges.
7pm to 8pm we’ll have two OpenStack fanatics host an interactive session, presenting solutions and workarounds to some of these challenges.
Joe Arnold – former director of engineering at Engine Yard and now at Cloudscaling will talk about designing a small scale object storage system using Swift
Mike Scherbakov – lead OpenStack hacker at Mirantis will cover:
Integration with legacy LDAP for non-authorization tasks Advanced networking features Supporting live migration to troubleshoot / upgrade physical hardware Disaster recovery mechanisms “Meet and drink” implies that we’ll have an open bar and food throughout the duration of the event.
The event is free, but we’d appreciate if you can RSVP so we can plan food, drinks and seating capacity accordingly.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM (UTC)