Containers and OpenStack

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Sep 8, 2016, 2:00 – 4:00 AM

In-person event

About this event

Containers are the darling of the DevOps world, changing the operations model to one more closely aligned with modern development models.  However, there are few applications where one model fits all aspects of the development pipeline. And where containers fail, a classic VM or bare metal infrastructure is more appropriate. 

At this meetup we'll look at why containers are so important to the developer world, and we'll look at what the OpenStack community has been doing to support the operational requirements of container-based deployments and development pipelines.  We'll also touch on the concept of using container deployments to run OpenStack services.

SpeakerRobert Starmer, CTO, Kumulus Technologies

(with an intro by Rick Evans)

Please join us in Palo Alto at the VMware campus in the lovely Promisory C where there will be delicious food and beverages, great networking, and a great meetup on containers and OpenStack.

We will also tweet out updates and info from our twitter handle @SFBayOpenStack so be sure to follow us there!


From the corner of Hillview Avenue and Foothill Expressway

·  Travel south on Hillview Avenue(from Foothill)

·  Take the first left: where you see the sign for the VMware campus entrance.

·  Then turn left again and go until you see the parking lot on the right.

·  Park and then walk South between the buildings for about 100 feet; you will pass under a pedestrian bridge.

·  You'll see the cafeteria at the end of the building on your left.

Keep in mind there are THREE cafeterias on the VMware campus: Promontory, Hillview and Creekside.



Thursday, September 8, 2016
2:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer