DC/OS, K8s, OpenStack - In person meet and greet!

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Feb 24, 2017, 2:00 – 5:00 AM

In-person event

About this event

This meetup is in conjunction with the DC/OS meetup group.

Meet fellow DC/OS users and the Mesos OSS team in person at Mesosphere HQ in San Francisco on Thursday, Feb. 23! Mesosphere will provide dinner and drinks, and the OSS team will present on DC/OS, K8s, and OpenStack!

This meeup will be live-streamed for remote attendees. Please RSVP Yes if you will be joining in person in the office. 


Many tech companies are racing to increase developer velocity by building (or rebuilding) their apps to use microservices. They are turning to containers to standardize development of those microservices and to deploy them into production. Orchestration platforms, which manage these sets of containers, are, in turn proliferating, and three have emerged as popular options: DC/OS, Kubernetes, and OpenStack.

Each of these orchestration platforms has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Deciding on the best one for your use case can be a challenge. In this panel discussion Elizabeth K. Joseph, Jörg Schad, and Michael Hausenblas will discuss the similarities and differences between these platforms, and the factors one should take into account when choosing between them.



Friday, February 24, 2017
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM UTC


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer