Jan 24, 2018, 9:00 PM – Jan 25, 2018, 4:30 AM (UTC)
This meetup is brought to you by the Out-of-the-Box-Networking group: https://www.meetup.com/Out-Of-The-Box-Network-Developers/events/245185650/
You do not need to register in both places. But you do ALSO need to register here (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sdnnfv-developer-day-lightening-talks-tickets-40029982756) to be entered in a raffle to win a Kindle Fire!
The day's agenda will include two hands-on labs, a panel discussion, lightning talks, and raffle prizes. See times below.
In the first lab (1pm), developers will learn how to enable lightweight virtualized containers in OPNFV. The second lab (3pm) focuses on the faster, easier, and more user-friendly “new DPDK.”
Then at 6pm, a panel of business gurus from the industry to discuss what network developers should keep in mind when developing a project to take to market. Developers will discuss their projects to get input and feedback from the panelists and attendees. Can't attend in person?
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1bidDoKztA
Lightening Talks start at 7pm followed by the raffle prizes at 8pm.
Detailed Agenda:
Hands-on Lab: Enabling Clear (Kata) Containers in OPNFV (1:30-3:00)
We’ll walk through the modification of a virtual OPNFV installation to allow the use of Intel Clear Containers (soon to be known as ‘Kata Containers’). This technology allows the flexibility and speed of containers to be combined with the security and isolation of virtual machines.
15 Min Break
Hands-on Lab: What are newest features DPDK brings into 2018? (3:15-4:45)
We will provide an overview of the new features of the latest DPDK release including source code browsing and API listing of top two new features. Also, there will be a hands-on lab on the Intel® microarchitecture (code named Skylake) servers, to learn how getting started with DPDK will become much simpler and more powerful.
Panel Discussion (6:00-7:00):
SDN/NFV the business of Network Transformation: What, How, & Why?
Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization play an increasingly important role in transforming the networks for the 5G and Next generations of the network. However what does it mean to support an eco-system so developers and vendors can flourish and meet their business needs while working on this ever changing open source driven world? This panel of gurus will talk about what developers in this field should keep in mind while working heads down on their projects and what is in it for them.
Lakshmi Sharma (https://www.linkedin.com/in/lakshmi-sharma-49833b1/)
has 20+ years of Enterprise, Service Provider and IT networking and security, and compute experience. Lakshmi has initiated, lead and launched various firsts in the industry as Engineering and PM leader in companies like Cisco, Juniper and Brocade. As the VP of Cloud at Target, she drove the strategy and execution of an API driven Enterprise Service across Multiple Data Center and Clouds.
Robert Starmer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rstarmer) is the founder and CTO of Kumulus Technologies (https://kumul.us/), a San Francisco Bay area infrastructure-focused DevOps, Systems Reliability Engineering, and Cloud Computing consultancy, where he writes, presents, develops, and educates industry customers on cloud, SRE and DevOps. Robert is also a Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA). Find Robert on Twitter @RStarmer (https://twitter.com/rstarmer).
Sanjit Dang (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjitdang/) is an Investment Director at Intel Capital. He drives investments in Machine Learning/AI, Computer Vision, Robotics, eCommerce, Virtual Reality, etc. He has also driven several investments in Big Data, IoT and Cloud Computing. He is currently a Board Member in several startups, including True Fit, Enlighted, Body Labs, Reflektion, and Cognitive Operational Systems (Cosy Robo). Find Sanjit on Twitter @sanjit66 (https://twitter.com/sanjit66).
Andrew Wilkenson, Distinguished Engineer, Ericsson
January 24 – 25, 2018
9:00 PM – 4:30 AM (UTC)