OpenCloudWeekend (OpenStack, Hadoop, Cloud Foundry)

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Nov 5, 2011, 4:30 – 7:30 PM

In-person event

About this event

This Saturday & Sunday - Join us for free workshops on OpenStack, Hadoop, Cloud Foundry. Plus participate in the hackathon on Sunday. Learn about Open Source Cloud Computing from the Experts!

Internap Flexible Cloud Hosting, the world’s first Public Cloud Computing Service built on OpenStack software, went live last week. This weekend, some of the open source experts who helped create OpenStack, plus others who helped build the Internap Cloud, are coming together to put on a first of its kind Open Source Cloud workshop. As a bonus, we've added a second day devoted to building applications on-top of Open Source Cloud software. 

Silicon Valley Cloud Center
222 Caspian Drive (enter on Borregas side)
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

9:30 am Registration, Coffee & Bagels
10:00 am Intro to OpenCloudWeekend - Dave Nielsen
10:15 am Lightning Talks - 10 Minutes Each

"Why OpenStack is the cloud equivalent to the Linux kernel" - by Cole Crawford of Nebula "Lessons Learned from Launching the First OpenStack Public Cloud" by Joe Arnold & Mike Scherbakov  11:00 am Workshop #1 "Installing OpenStack - Step-by-step Instructions" by Mike Scherbakov of Mirantis
12:00 pm Finalize Breakout Sessions (discussion groups, presentations, etc.)
12:15 pm Lunch Break
1:00 pm Workshop #2 "Getting Started with OpenShift" - by David Blado of Red Hat
2:00 pm Workshop #3 "Setting up OpenStack Storage - Code Name "Swift") by Joe Arnold and Darrell Bishop
2:00 pm Breakout Session: "What does it take to build a Cloud? (aka 'How many licks does it take to get to the center of a cloud Strategy?')" by Kurt Milne
3:15 pm Coffee Break
3:30 pm Workshop #4 "Auditing & Monitoring using the new CloudAudit libraries" by Christopher MacGown of Piston Cloud
4:30 pm Wrap-up discussion & drinks
5:00 pm Dinner Anyone? - TBD (on your own)

9:30 am Registration, Coffee & Muffins
10:00 am Welcome to Day 2 - Dave Nielsen
10:15 am Intro Talks - 10 Minutes Each

"Open PaaS" - The New Cloud Operating System "Introduction to Hadoop" - by Amir Youssefi (previously with Yahoo) "Introduction to Open PaaS" - by Monica Wilkinson of VMware 11:00 am Hackathon Begins
11:00 am Workshop #5 "Setting up your own Cloud Storage server w/ GlusterFS" by John Mark Walker of Red Hat
12:15 pm Lunch Break
1:30 pm "Intro to Cloud Foundry" - by Monica Wilkinson
3:30 pm Coffee Break
3:45 pm "Introduction to Hadoop" - by Amir Youssefi
4:30 pm Hackathon & OpenCloudWeened Ends




Saturday, November 5, 2011
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM UTC


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer