South Bay OpenStack Meetup, Advanced/DevOps track

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Nov 29, 2012, 11:00 PM – Nov 30, 2012, 1:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Vish Ishaya from Nebula and Nova PTL will be joining us to overview Grizzy Nova plans and blueprints that need help.

Connect remotely via webex

Grizzly Nova Plan Summary

No-db-compute Cells Bare-Metal Compute Database Cleanup Api V3 Config Option Cleanup Hypervisor Driver Work (libvirt/kvm, xenapi, hyper-v) Quantum Integration Blueprints that need help as of 26 Nov 2012 (High): This is cleaning up the block-device code which is used in booting from volumes. I've assigned this one to myself for the moment because it is important, but if anyone wants to tackle it i'm happy to pass it off. (Medium): This will make upgrades a little bit easier. It would be great if someone could take this one (Low): Useful for operators. Will require an api extension. (Low): I think there are people working on this but I'm not sure who should be the assignee. (Low): Small feature but very useful for kvm installations. (Low): Service Group just landed. It would be great if rpc could be used for membership instead of having to write to the database. (High): This one is actually a wrapper for a bunch of small tasks that are listed as bugs. The blueprint is assigned to maurosr because he is helping organize the work, but there are plenty of small tasks to be done, so feel free to assign yourself one of the linked bugs. Above was reposted from the openstack-dev archive. Find the original emails in their full context here


These meetups are community based and focused. The Advanced track is for seasoned OpenStack devOps to discuss blueprints and code. Each Advanced devOps meetup will focus on a different OpenStack core project.

Drink, food, whiteboards and wifi provided by Yahoo! Bring a laptop if you want to code or to install DevStack to take away with you. These meetups will run on alternate weeks from the San Francisco meetups. All the cool kids go to both.

Updates will be published via the meetup email list, OpenStack community blog, and twitter via @sarob




November 29 – 30, 2012
11:00 PM – 1:00 AM (UTC)


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer