Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

South Bay OpenStack Meetup, InstallFest and Hackathon

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Jan 13, 2012, 3:00 – 6:00 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

OpenStack hackathon, South Bay style. We'll have OpenStack core team members on hand for designing, coding, or advice, and if any beginners turn up then we'll run a presentation session explaining what OpenStack is and how it all fits together.

Beer, food, whiteboards and wifi provided by Citrix. Bring a laptop if you want to code or to try an all-in-one install to take away with you.

These will run on alternate weeks from the San Francisco meetups. All the cool kids go to both.


902 Light Rail schedule:


This week in one main room we will run a session on 'Learning OpenStack through the Art of Debugging':

Identify the various components of openstack, and show each as a service that runs in devstack. Enable/disable logging for major services. Take image upload as a sample operation. Trace how the image upload should proceed through various devstack components. Then, upload an image and follow the logs to confirm that that is the case. Then, step into code and trace the image upload process. Pre-requisites for all attendees: Bring your laptops, with ubuntu 11.10 and devstack installed on it. Follow directions on to install devstack.


In the other main room we will be doing a 'What is OpenStack?' whiteboard lecture for beginners.


There will also be space for people who want to work together on new features, whatever they might be.



Friday, January 13, 2012
3:00 AM – 6:00 AM (UTC)


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer