State of the Stack

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Jun 6, 2013, 1:00 – 4:00 AM

In-person event

About this event

Mark your calendars for an upcoming Meetup organized by Cloudscaling and sponsored by EVault.


Cloudscaling CTO, Randy Bias will kick things off with his "State of the Stack" presentation. Come learn about the great work being done in the community for public and private clouds built on OpenStack.

The event will take place on Wednesday June 5th at 6PM at the eVault HQ located on 201 3rd St., San Francisco, CA 94103

Food and drinks will be provided.

Space is limited, to secure your spot and ensure access to the building, please RSVP before June 4th.  And remember to bring a valid photo ID - security will have a list and be checking it twice ....



Thursday, June 6, 2013
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer