Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

To Containerize or NOT to Containerize? That is the Question!

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Jul 20, 2017, 1:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event


6:30-6:55: Meetup and Network

6:55-7:00: Introductions

7:00-7:45: "To Containerize or NOT to Containerize? That is the Question!" presented by Bruce Mathews, Mirantis

7:45-8:00: "Using Fluentd for log management (and the power of open source)" presented by Treasure Data


To Containerize or NOT to Containerize? That is the Question! 

Presented by Bruce Mathews, Mirantis

For the past three years or so, talk of “microservices” have been all the rage. The question is: when and Where do we apply this new architectural approach? When does it not make sense to do so? This presentation will provide some foundational information regarding “microservices architecture” and “service decomposition” and attempt to provide some guidelines for when and where each approach makes sense. 

The discussion will break down the various features and capabilities that microservices are targeted to provide; best practices for architecting solutions using these new features and capabilities; orchestration options available for deployment and maintenance of containers. 

Finally, we will try to provide some insights into the directions that some of these new features and capabilities will travel, including options like persistent storage, SDN integration, etc. Next, we will review the practical reasons for service decomposition and provide parameters in which the use of a decomposed application approach can achieve the same benefits as are touted as only being available by using a containerized approach.

Unified Logging with Fluentd

Presented by Kiyoto Tamura, Treasure Data    

Container or Not Container? Public or Private? AWS or Azure? Regardless of where you are taking your app infrastructure, you will need to unify your log data. In this talk, Fluentd’s committer will give a high-level over view of unified logging, why it’s important and how some enterprises are adopting Fluentd Enterprise.

Thanks to our Sponsors and Hosts:

Sponsored by: Mirantis

Hosted by: Treasure Data



Thursday, July 20, 2017
1:30 AM – 4:30 AM (UTC)


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer