Troubleshooting OpenStack Clouds: From Detecting Black Holes to Micro-bursts

Cloud Native Silicon Valley

Sep 22, 2016, 1:00 – 2:45 AM

In-person event

About this event


6:00 PM - Networking, food, and drinks
6:30 PM - Presentation & demo
7:15 PM - Wrap up & mingle


Optimizing OpenStack clouds leveraging open source BroadView™ instrumentation analytics and IO Visor


OpenStack clouds contain physical and virtual resources that can be complex to troubleshoot. Service Level Agreements (SLA) for applications are often taken for granted as connectivity and traffic management just works without any glitch. However, when problems arise, tracing packet flows and root causing issues are very complicated in cloud networks by virtue of technologies involved, further complicating application SLA compliance in cloud networks. Monitoring and tracing packet flows both in the overlay as well as underlay becomes a critical piece of any solution that attempts to provide complete overlay mapping with underlay.  This session will address the following topics:

·  Overlay and underlay resource monitoring

·  Monitor micro-bursts, traffic flow for application SLA

·  Packet tracing and injection for root cause analysis  


Bhaskar Chinni, Principal Product Line Manager, Broadcom

Wenyu Zhang, TME, PLUMgrid 

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Thursday, September 22, 2016
1:00 AM – 2:45 AM UTC


  • Lisa-Marie Namphy

    Director, Developer Relations

  • John Starmer

    Kumulus Technologies

    Lead Organizer