Thanks to TitanSoft for providing venue & refreshments
- Talk 1: Service mesh era and our first experience with Istio - by Alex Khaerov
- Talk 2: Airflow on Kubernetes with Vault support
Talk and Speaker Abstracts:
1. Service mesh era and our first experience with Istio.
Adopting a microservices architecture brings a host of benefits, including increased autonomy, flexibility, and modularity. But the process of decoupling a single-tier monolithic application into smaller services introduces new obstacles: what's running, how to roll out updates, how to secure and monitor all such fleet? To address these challenges, you can use a service mesh. With this talk, we are going to refresh basic knowledge and pillars of the "service mesh" and share our experience and concerns about the most popular one - Istio. Welcome to the service mesh era!
Alex Khaerov is a development lead at Chainstack, a company providing the ultimate blockchain control panel for business. With 9+ years in web services development, he took on senior software engineer and technical management roles. His main passion is building robust, high-load and distributed service platforms on top of a multi-cloud environment, utilizing all the power of Kubernetes. An avid activist of Kubernetes and Python communities. In his spare time, he speaks publicly at tech conferences and secretly codes in Python. Huge fan of laptop stickers.
2. Airflow on Kubernetes with Vault support
At 90 seconds, to move fast and optimize the cost, we work really hard to automate the process and bring the smooth experience to our customers. One of the tool that works exceptionally well for us so far is airflow, which bring many convenience & flexibility to the engineering team.
By adding some extra functionalities to the tool itself, airflow becomes a go-to solution for almost every automation at our company. The talk would focus on experience we have with airflow on Kubernetes, any difficulty and which way to overcome it.
Tommy is a senior DevOps engineer at 90 Seconds, a startup focuses on video creation platform. Working with Kubernetes for 3+ years, Tommy love to take a deep dive into implementing Kubernetes with different use cases. In his free time he also involves in open source development and contribute back to the community. Huge fan of Terraform & Hashicorp.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)