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Kubernetes March 2018 Meetup (FOSSASIA Edition)


Mar 23, 2018, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Kubernetes User Group for March 2018 (FOSSASIA Edition) - at Honestbee

With FOSSASIA on in Singapore, there are a number of members of the international Kubernetes Community visiting. We usually don't have two meetups in a month but we thought it is a great opportunity to hear from some exciting speakers. Please join us!

Topic 1: An Introduction to CNCF - Chris Aniszczyk - CNCF

Topic 2: Modern Secrets Management - Seth Vargo - Google

Lightning talk: Intro to Kedge - Suraj Narwade

Topic 3: Traefik Ingress controller - Michael Bright - Containous

Modern Secrets Management

Live demos showcasing fundamentals of Vault, then deep-dive into Vault, then show how to consume Vault from K8S.


A tool to help deploy Simple, Concise & Declarative Kubernetes Applications Traefik Ingress controller

Overview of Traefik, a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer packed with features such as config hot-reloads, circuit breakers, metrics integrations for Prometheus/Datadog, Let's Encrypt integration,...
About the speakers:

Seth Vargo is in the fields of DevOps, HashiCorp (Terraform, packer, Vault, consul, etc), and Chef/Puppet. And integrations of GCP tools with these community tools.

Michael Bright is Developer Evangelist for the Traefik reverse-proxy/load-balancer, working for Containous France.



Friday, March 23, 2018
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)


  • Yongkang He

    Organizer, AWS Builder, Azure MVP, GCP Champion

  • Ritesh Hegde

    SPH Media Pte Ltd.

    CNCF SG Organizer, Azure MVP, Hashicorp Ambassador