Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

Kubernetes On Google Cloud Platform


Jul 20, 2017, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

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Hello All.

I am excited to announce the meetup for July.

There are two talks scheduled :

1. Hunter Nield will discuss Storage and Stateful Apps on Kubernetes

2. Zumata will discuss their experiences running Kubernetes on GKE. 

Storage and Stateful Apps in Kubernetes by Hunter Nield.

“Can I run a Database in Kubernetes?” - the most frequently asked question after learning the basics of Kubernetes is how to store data for Stateful Applications. 

This talk will introduce concepts around Volumes and the various storage back-ends available. 

We will wrap up the talk with a demonstration on how to run a typical Database backed application.

Zumata experiences running on GKE by Zumata.

Zumata will present a simple walk through on bringing up a cluster on GKE with Zumata's experiences on pitfalls & what not to do to avoid them.

The presentation will include creating pods & the different components of Kubernetes and showcase the capabilities GKE has to offer.



Thursday, July 20, 2017
10:30 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)


  • Yongkang He

    Organizer, AWS Builder, Azure MVP, GCP Champion

  • Ritesh Hegde

    SPH Media Pte Ltd.

    CNCF SG Organizer, Azure MVP, Hashicorp Ambassador