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Stockholm Kubernetes Meetup

Cloud Native Stockholm

Jan 25, 2018, 4:30 – 7:30 PM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Welcome to the first ever Stockholm K8S meetup proudly sponsored by Elastx.

25 January 2018, 17:30-21:00 CET

7A Conference, Vasagatan 7 3rd floor,[masked] Stockholm
Subway station T-Centralen, commuter train station Stockholm City

• 17:30 Doors open
• 18:00 Secure SDLC and containers
• 18:35 Provisioning and Orchestrating K8s
• 19:10 Persistent Volumes to StatefulSets: All About Managing Persistent Data in Kubernetes
• 19:45 Mingle
• 21:00 Doors close

RSVP before 16 January 14:00 CET.

Talk #1 - Secure SDLC and containers:

Emil is a Security Software Engineer at TrueSec, a leading-edge company in cybersecurity, IT infrastructure and secure development. He’s been involved in several security-critical projects, developing applications and components that are used by millions of users on a regular basis. His recent focus has been secure systems using Docker and Amazon EC2.

The increased adaptation of DevOps and container-based application architectures changes the application security scope in most organizations. Developers and DevOps have been the primary stakeholders in terms of lifecycle management of middleware and 3rd party libraries for a while now, even if the actual upgrade/install sometimes are performed by operations. In container-based deployments, it's getting even more obvious that Developer or DevOps teams must take the primary ownership of patch management and hardening. Not only for middleware and 3rd party libraries, but also for OS-provided parts. In this session we'll talk about what this means from a CI/CD and delivery perspective, and how you can start building a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) covering many of these aspects. You will also see why security assessments are better handled as an integral part of the SDLC rather than by operations going forward.

Talk #2 - Provisioning and Orchestrating K8s:

Joakim Öhman is co-founder of Elastx, with 20 years of experience in building datacenters and running business critical systems. The last five years his work has been focused on next gen cloud infrastructure and automation, all the way from hardware to code.

I will try to navigate you through the never ending options on how to provision and run k8s. We recently evaluated the option for our own platform and I will share our findings and hope that you can share your own experience in orchestrating and running k8s.

Talk #3 - Persistent Volumes to StatefulSets: All About Managing Persistent Data in Kubernetes:

Kapil Aurora is a cloud solution architect at Netapp specializing in Kubernetes, Docker, OpenStack and Enterprise Storage.

Containers are great for stateless applications and as the container technologies like Kubernetes mature containers are proving more and more beneficial for stateful applications. In this talk we will discuss data persistency in general in a containerised environment. We will take a deeper look at stateful applications and try to understand the challenges of deploying them in a containerized environment. We will see how we can leverage different Kubernetes features e.g. PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims, StorageClasses, StatefulSets, Quotas etc, to deploy and manage stateful applications. We conclude with a demo of scalable on demand PostgreSQL deployment using Helm charts and StatefulSets.

If you have special diet please let us know.

Last but not least, a BIG Thank You to all that helped us out with the venue search.

All the best, Ilia and Andreas



Thursday, January 25, 2018
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)


  • Kaj Säf

    Conoa AB


  • Andreas Holmsten



  • Viktor Ekmark



  • Mostafa Moradian

    Grafana Labs


  • Amelie Friederike Löwe

    Redpill Linpro



    Red Hat
