Welcome to KuberTENes! A world-wide celebration of Kubernetes turning 10 years old! https://www.cncf.io/kubertenes/
This meetup will have a different structure than the regular ones: We will briefly introduce four different recent innovations in Kubernetes in a series of lightning talks. Then, you will have 1 on 1 time with the speaker to dive further into your favorite topic.
17:30-18:00: Gathering
18:00-18:10: Opening
18:10-18:20: Ephemeral containers - Natan Yalin
Ephemeral containers (GA since Kubernetes 1.25) are temporary containers that can be added to a running pod for debugging purposes without disrupting the existing containers. They provide a powerful way to troubleshoot issues in real-time by allowing on-the-fly diagnostics and debugging directly within the pod.
18:20-18:30: Ingress & Gateway API - Yonatan Amzallag
The Gateway API in Kubernetes was created to provide a more flexible and extensible alternative to the Ingress API for managing incoming network traffic. It addresses the limitations of Ingress by offering advanced routing capabilities, richer customization options, and better support for service mesh patterns.
18:30-18:40: Non-Graceful Node Shutdown - Shiran Melamed
Non-graceful node Shutdown is a new feature (GA since Kubernetes 1.28) that improves handling unexpected node failures. We'll explore node failures, strategies for graceful shutdown at both the application and infrastructure levels, and essential configurations during failover.
18:40-18:50: Kubernetes Dynamic Resource Allocation(DRA) - Arthur Berezin
Kubernetes prides itself on scalability and efficiency. A core concept behind this is dynamic resource allocation, allowing applications to adapt to fluctuating workloads seamlessly. This session explores the essence of dynamic resource allocation and its benefits. By understanding dynamic resource allocation, you'll gain the knowledge to build robust, responsive, and cost-effective applications within the Kubernetes ecosystem.
18:50-19:00: Pod Security Standards (PSS) and Pod Security Admission (PSA) - Tal Hibner
As organizations increasingly adopt Kubernetes for container orchestration, securing Pods is crucial. This session will cover Pod Security Admission controls introduced in Kubernetes 1.21, which replaced the older PodSecurityPolicy approach and was removed in Kubernetes 1.25. Pod Security Admission offers a more streamlined, flexible, and accessible way to enforce security policies on Pods with predefined security contexts and customization capabilities.
19:00-19:45: Ask the experts
Speakers will answer your questions about the topics presented.
Robusta Dev
Devops Group Lead
VP Product Management
Technical Account Manager
Devops lead
Thursday, June 20, 2024
2:30 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)