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CNCF Thane presents Disruptive Tech - WASM Edition

Cloud Native Thane

Jun 18, 2023, 4:30 – 8:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

We are part of WebAssembly India Wave !!

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WebAssembly on the server side comes with many usecases and in this meetup we will try to explore WebAssembly and see its benefits with cloud native. We will also do a Hands-on Workshop.

Talk 1 - Building a Like Button with Spin and Wasm


In this talk, we walk through the process of building an embeddable like button using Spin, JavaScript/TypeScript, a Wasm file server, and key/value storage. In just a few dozen lines of code we’ll create a REST API and a UI component.


Matt Butcher & Radu Matei

Talk 2 - Porting “Good First Issue” to Spin


The Good First Issue bot is a GitHub app that posts about issues on Twitter. We ported this Go codebase from its original version to a Fermyon Spin app. In this talk, we cover what the project does (and how), then talk about what we learned while porting it. We end with a demo.


Rajat Jindal

Talk 3 - Building Apps with Spin and OpenAI


If there are two trendy technologies right now, they are WebAssembly and AI. In this combo workshop and lecture, we introduce WebAssembly and the Spin tool for building Wasm apps. Then we walk step-by-step through the process of building an app that uses OpenAI and Spin together.


Radu Matei

Talk 4 - CloudNative Webassembly


In this talk, the speaker will introduce WebAssembly and its intersection in the cloud-native ecosystem. They will show how to create Webassembly apps with the existing toolchain that they are familiar with of Docker and Kubernetes.


Saiyam Pathak


Radu Matei is a founder and CTO of Fermyon. He is passionate about WebAssembly, distributed systems, and artificial intelligence, and in the past he worked at Microsoft Azure in the DeisLabs research and development team, where he was a core maintainer for multiple server-side WebAssembly and distributed systems projects like Krustlet, Draft, Brigade, or the Cloud Native Application Bundle project (building the distribution and security specifications). He is an avid learner, loves classical music, and enjoys a good bicycle ride and bubble tea.

Matt Butcher is co-founder and CEO of Fermyon, the serverless WebAssembly in the cloud company. He is one of the original creators of Helm, Brigade, CNAB, OAM, Glide, and Krustlet. He has written or co-written many books, including Learning Helm and Go in Practice. He is a co-creator of the Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes series. These days, he works mostly on WebAssembly projects such as Spin, Fermyon Cloud and Bartholomew. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy. He lives in Colorado, where he drinks lots of coffee.

Saiyam is working as Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo with a focus on defining the Civo cloud platform for simplifying Kubernetes and making it accessible for developers. Previously at Walmart Labs, Oracle, and HP, Saiyam has worked on many facets of k8s including machine learning platform, scaling, multi-cloud, managed k8s services, and k8s documentation. He's worked on implementing Kubernetes solutions in different organizations. When not coding, Saiyam works on contributing to the community by writing blogs and organizing local meetups for Kubernetes and CNCF. He is also a CNCF ambassador, runs a YouTube channel and Kubesimplify community that aims to simplify cloud native and can be reached on Twitter @saiyampathak 


  • Matt Butcher



  • Saiyam Pathak

    Loft Labs

    Principal Developer Advocate

  • Rohit Ghumare

    Developer Advocate at

  • Divya Mohan

    Senior Technical Evangelist


  • Shivay Lamba

    WASMEdge Ambassador

  • Radu Matei


  • Rajat Jindal

    Platform Engineer Consultant



Sunday, June 18, 2023
4:30 AM – 8:30 AM (UTC)


  • Rohit Ghumare

    Developer Advocate at


  • Rohit Ghumare

    Lead Organizer

  • Ajay Maurya

    CNCF Thane

    Marketing Support

  • Yash Pimple
