Meet us in London for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 1 - 4 April

In-person Docker 101 Workshop by CNCF Thane

Cloud Native Thane

Apr 8, 2023, 5:00 – 8:30 AM (UTC)

In-person event

About this event

Docker 101 Workshop by Docker expert - Sangam Biradar

🎙 Speaker: Sangam is a Principal Security Advocate at Deepfense

🔥 Extensive learning for 3-5 hours 🔥

✅ Learn docker from scratch

We will discuss:

Docker 101

  1. Pre-requisite for this lab
  2. docker hello world example
  3. Docker Image Filtering
  4. Images and Container As Tar file
  5. Push first Nginx Web app To DockerHub
  6. Build a Base Image from Scratch
  7. Dockerfile Lab - ADD instruction
  8. Dockerfile Lab - COPY instruction
  9. Dockerfile Lab - CMD instruction
  10. Dockerfile Lab - Entrypoint instruction
  11. Dockerfile Lab - RUN instruction
  12. Dockerfile Lab - ARG instruction
  13. Dockerfile Lab - Volume instruction
  14. Dockerfile Lab - USER instruction
  15. Dockerfile Lab - HEALTHCHECK instruction
  16. Dockerfile Lab - ENV instruction
  17. Dockerfile Lab - ONBUILD instruction
  18. Dockerfile Lab - WORKDIR instruction

Docker 102

  1. Running multiple docker containers from CLI
  2. Write the First Docker Compose file
  3. Docker Compose with Volume Mount
  4. Build your Own Dockerfile and Docker Compose with Custom configuration
  5. Simple PHP apache and database using docker compose
  6. Host Volume Mount - Data persistence
  7. Named Volume Mount - Data persistence
  8. Docker Compose CLI - Build Command
  9. Docker Compose CLI - Config Command
  10. Docker Compose CLI - CP Command
  11. Docker Compose CLI - Create Command
  12. Docker Compose CLI - Down Command
  13. Docker Compose CLI - Events Command
  14. Docker Compose CLI - Exec Command
  15. Docker Compose CLI - Images Command
  16. Docker Compose CLI - Kill Command
  17. Docker Compose CLI - logs Command
  18. Docker Compose CLI - ls Command
  19. Docker Compose CLI - Pause/unpause Command
  20. Docker Compose CLI - Port Command
  21. Docker Compose CLI - ps Command
  22. Docker Compose CLI - pull Command
  23. Docker Compose CLI - push Command
  24. Docker Compose CLI - restart Command
  25. Docker Compose CLI - rm Command
  26. Docker Compose CLI - run Command

Docker 103

  1. Setup local network
  2. Setup Remote network
  3. Networking in Docker Compose
  4. Networking in Docker Compose with ngnix
  5. Docker WordPress Example

🚨 Note: Please bring your laptops and charger if possible to get a hands-on experience with awesome docker labs.


  • Rohit Ghumare

    Developer Advocate at

  • Sangam Biradar


    Developer Advocate



Saturday, April 8, 2023
5:00 AM – 8:30 AM (UTC)


  • Rohit Ghumare

    Developer Advocate at


  • Rohit Ghumare

    Lead Organizer

  • Ajay Maurya

    CNCF Thane

    Marketing Support

  • Yash Pimple
