leveraging serverless architecture, specifically using Fission functions, to optimize resource utilization and minimize idle capacity. Demo the cost difference using - OpenCost
In modern cloud environments, optimising resource usage while minimising idle capacity is critical to reducing operational costs. Leveraging serverless architecture, particularly with Fission functions, allows organisations to dynamically allocate resources based on demand.
By integrating OpenCost, an open-source cost monitoring tool, you can effectively analyze the cost savings achieved by adopting Fission's event-driven model.
In summary, this presentation highlights how utilising Fission functions within a serverless architecture optimizes cloud resource utilisation by eliminating unnecessary idle capacity. With the help of OpenCost, these savings can be accurately quantified, providing a clear understanding of the financial advantages of transitioning to a serverless model
Infracloud Technologies
Software Engineer
Staff Platform Engineer
Cloud Foundry
Chief Architect