DoK #41 Designing Stateful Apps for the Cloud and Kubernetes

Data on Kubernetes

Apr 15, 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Virtual event

About this event

Abstract of the talk…

Almost all applications have some kind of state. Some data processing apps and databases have huge amounts of state. How do we navigate a cloud-based world of containers where stateless and functions-as-a-service is all the rage? As a long-time architect, designer, and developer of very stateful apps (databases and data processing apps), I’d like to take you on a journey through the modern cloud world and Kubernetes, offering helpful design patterns, considerations, tips, and where things are going. How is Kubernetes shaking up stateful app design? - What kind of state is there, and what are some important characteristics? - Kubernetes, containers, and the stateless paradigm (pushing state into DBs) - Where state lives and the persistence characteristics - Stateless vs serverless - why stateless is not really stateless, but server less really is - Improving on stateless paradigm using local state pattern - Logs and event streaming for reasoning about state and failure recovery - The case for local disks: ML, Databases, etc. - Kubernetes and the Persistent Volume/StatefulSets - Leveraging Kubernetes PVs as a basis for building distributed data systems - Mapping the solution space


  • Evan Chan


    Senior Data Engineer


  • Paul Au

    Community Manager

  • Melissa Logan


  • Diogenese Topper

    Data on Kubernetes Community
