We are the Data on Kubernetes Community (DoKC), where end users go to share best practices for running data workloads on Kubernetes.
We're excited to host our first-ever DoKC Town Hall virtual event in May 2023! It's a new event to bring the community together to meet each other, share end user journey stories, DoK-related projects and technologies, and to keep you up-to-date on community events and ways to participate.
Our first event will feature a data on Kubernetes (DoK) case study with Comcast and a look at DoK + Apache Spark with Holden Karau, Spark Committer and Open Source Engineer at Netflix. We will also hold community discussions and make room for your DoK-related questions. More details and agenda coming soon.
** We be giving away one of our RUN DOK t-shirts! Check it out in the images. **
Meetings will be held the third week of each month. We're polling the community on the best day/time so we can maximize attendance--the first one will be Thursday at 9:00 AM PT.