DoKC Town Hall #1 - Comcast and Netflix

Data on Kubernetes

May 18, 2023, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Virtual event

About this event

We are the Data on Kubernetes Community (DoKC), where end users go to share best practices for running data workloads on Kubernetes.

We're excited to host our first-ever DoKC Town Hall virtual event in May 2023! It's a new event to bring the community together to meet each other, share end user journey stories, DoK-related projects and technologies, and to keep you up-to-date on community events and ways to participate.

Our first event will feature a data on Kubernetes (DoK) case study with Comcast and a look at DoK + Apache Spark with Holden Karau, Spark Committer and Open Source Engineer at Netflix. We will also hold community discussions and make room for your DoK-related questions. More details and agenda coming soon.

** We be giving away one of our RUN DOK t-shirts! Check it out in the images. **

Meetings will be held the third week of each month. We're polling the community on the best day/time so we can maximize attendance--the first one will be Thursday at 9:00 AM PT.


  • Paul Au

    Community Manager

  • Melissa Logan


  • Diogenese Topper

    Data on Kubernetes Community
