DoKC Town Hall: Database Patterns Whitepaper Panel Discussion

Data on Kubernetes

Apr 18, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Virtual event

About this event

We are the Data on Kubernetes Community (DoKC), where end users go to share best practices for running data workloads on Kubernetes.

We're excited to host our monthly DoKC Town Hall virtual event in April 2024! This is an event to bring the community together to meet each other, share end-user journey stories, DoK-related projects and technologies, and keep you up-to-date on community events and ways to participate. Meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month at 10am PT.



[10:00 AM]

Welcome and Community Updates

Presented by Paul Au, DoKC Community Manager

[10:05 AM]

Database Patterns Whitepaper Panel Discussion


Xing Yang | Cloud Native Storage Tech Lead, VMware

Leonardo Cecchi - Principal Engineer @ Cloud Native Team, EDB

Alvaro Hernandez - Founder & CEO, OnGres

Patrick McFadin - Developer Relations, Datastax

For this town hall, we will discuss the white paper with 4 of the authors and get their perspectives.

This whitepaper is a collaboration between the CNCF TAG Storage and Data on Kubernetes Community.

According to the 2022 DoK Survey, Data on Kubernetes has a transformative impact on organizations, showing a direct link between running DoK and making big gains in terms of revenue and productivity. The survey shows data workloads on Kubernetes include databases, analytics, AI/ML, and streaming/messaging.

The purpose of this document is to describe the patterns of running data on Kubernetes with a focus on database applications. We will describe what are the attributes of a storage system and how they affect the database applications, how different storage stacks affect these attributes, what are the differences of running data inside and outside of Kubernetes, what are the characteristics of Kubernetes that are beneficial for running data on Kubernetes, and what are the best practices and lessons we have learned from running data on Kubernetes.

[10:55 AM]

DoK Quiz


  • Paul Au

    Community Manager

  • Melissa Logan


  • Diogenese Topper

    Data on Kubernetes Community


  • Kristi Tan

    Head of Marketing